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Kufstein City
39.45 km2
N47°34' / E12°07'
sea level:
499 m
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UTC+1 (DST Apr-Oct)
Euro (€) = 100 cent
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Nanga Parbat
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Kufstein Sylvester 2003/2004

The Nanga Parbat Research Camp, Part IV

by Mike Gendreyzig, 2004

The Hippie Cook Recommends:
Pancake soup or Semolina dumpling soup
Arranged paprika and salmon
Cordon bleu with add. spinach filling, potatoes
or Cured pork inside bread, dumplings and sour cabbage
or Grilled dear on spit with red cabbage
Semolina dumlings in Glühwein

The New Year gain momentum

As the new year was already welcomed loudly and enthusiastic in Kufstein, the researchers allowed themselves a relaxing day at the Nanga Parbat camp site, strolling around the several huts and woods and sledging the half track, thinly covered with new snow fallen during the night before.

Evening's highlight was Hippie cook's spectacular New Year menu (see right side). Everyone enjoyed the cozy atmosphere and other party guests filled up the mountain hut leaving no chair empty. Close to midnight people moved onto the terrace and right on the beginning of the new year rockets were launched coloring the sky. The last experiment was lighting romantic sparklers. While toasting with champagne and hugging each other, the scientists declared ones own wishes and goals for 2004. After the guests sledged down the dark track through the forest, the scientists group continued playing cards until sandman sent them to their beds.

fire works
Fire work above
the Kufstein fortress

The remaining two days are summed up quickly: on New Year's day ski enthusiasts went to famous and quite foggy Kitzbühel, so that the group got totally separated. The other day they tested again Hochfügen, enjoying Grilled Tyrolians at the lovely Aar Wirt hut. And the toboggan group flatted once again the icy Aschenbrenner track.


The study of New Year's spectacle is not yet finished and tends to need several more years to discover the complexity and to ultimately explain the phenomenon of the "Sylvesternacht".

Other reports and white papers will follow ... MIKE.

Dictionary of Food

German Humorous English Description
Germknödel Nice Dumpling yeast dough filled with plum-purée
Gulaschsuppe soup of dove's bud seasoned soup with pieces of beef and potato
Kaiserschmarn Emperor's Nonsense chunked pancake with apple-purée
Müslijoghurt Sabine Weisser Yoghurt yoghurt with various cereals
Almdudler Mountain weadow musician herbal soda
Tiroler Gröstl Grilled Tyrolians fried potatoe with bacon and egg


E. Mach-Point: "Psycho-Magnetic Turbulence On Sylvesternacht"; Sharif, 2003
G. Mike: "I2K - The Innsbruck Millennium Sylvester"; Genso Publ., 2001
G. Mike: "Orbital Parallels In Sylvesternacht's Salzburg - A Simulation"; Genso Publ., 2003
Mc Greg: "Sylvester - A Non-hyperbolic Approximation of Midnight"; Springler, 1996

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